The City of Redmond (City) initiated an update to the Airport Master Plan (“Plan”) to assess the facility and service needs of the Redmond Municipal Airport (“the Airport”) throughout the next 20 years. The Plan serves as a roadmap for bringing projects, people, and funding together in a coordinated manner, and provides strategic direction regarding the Airport’s 20-year capital development plan and investment of resources.
The Plan is conducted in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidance, as prescribed by grant assurances and mandated by regulatory standards. Conformance with FAA standards enables the City of Redmond to apply for federal and state funding in order to support the maintenance, expansion, and upgrade of airport facilities as demand warrants and funding is available.
The Plan evaluates the Airport’s needs over a 20-year planning period for airfield, airspace, terminal area, and landside facilities. The goal is to document the orderly development of Airport facilities essential to meeting City needs, in accordance with FAA standards, and in a manner complementary with community interests.
The Plan results in a 20-year development strategy envisioned by the City, reflective of the updated Airport Capital Improvement Program (CIP), and graphically depicted by the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawings. The approved Plan allows the City to satisfy FAA assurances, and seek project funding eligible under the respective federal and state airport aid program.
Visit the links below for more information:
Updated Terminal Area Concept Plan
Updated Master Plan Information
Download RDM Tarmac Delay Plan
Activity Permits
A RDM Airport Activity Permit is required for individuals and organization to host events or provide services in the Main Airport Terminal and on Airport Property.
Download Activity Permit Application
Download The Airport Fee Schedule
For more information, please contact the Redmond Airport Administration office at [email protected]
Airport Business Policies
Airport policies are updated from time to time. To view a PDF copy of the policy, please click the link below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Airport by email at [email protected]
Market Rent Study
To view a PDF copy of the current Market Rent Study, click the image below or click HERE
The FAA requires airports to periodically appraise the property to review property valuations. Roberts Field’s airside leases provide the opportunity to raise land costs based on these appraisals. The Redmond City Council, in the regularly scheduled May 28, 2019 meeting, accepted the Cushman & Wakefield of Portland appraisal for the airside property at Roberts Field.