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Airport Committee

About the Committee

The Airport Committee was created on April 9, 1991, by City Ordinance 91-06.  The purpose of the Committee is to advise the City Council regarding issues which concern the development of the Redmond Municipal Airport to meet the growing commercial and general aviation demand of the Central Oregon region by:

  • Study and propose measures that are advisable for the expansion and improvement of Roberts Field.
  • Recommend capital improvement projects that will benefit the airport and its users.
  • Study and identify the needs of the airport, the potential growth of services at the airport and make recommendations to the Redmond City Council regarding those services.

The Airport Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Redmond City Council on matters pertaining to airport operations, maintenance, improvements, facilities, and airport activities under the jurisdiction of the City.

The Committee is composed of nine (9) members. Five members appointed by the Mayor of Redmond and approved by the City Council; one member appointed by the City of Bend Commission; one member appointed by the Deschutes County Commission; one member appointed by the Jefferson County Commission; one member appointed by Crook County Commission.

The City recently instituted an Ex Officio Youth member to help foster interest in aviation for young adults.  One Ex Officio youth (18 years of age and under) shall be appointed by the Mayor, without regard to jurisdictional restrictions, to serve a one-year term. The Ex Officio Youth is a non-voting member. Airport Committee Members (all terms expire on December 31st of the year listed):

The Airport Committee Meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month, both in person and via zoom.
In Person Meetings – Held at the RDM Airport SRE building, located at 1300 SE USFS Drive; Redmond, OR 97756
Remote Meetings – Conducted on Zoom. Register for the Zoom meeting at After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Committee MemberTerm Expires
Sean Neary (Redmond) Chair2026
Kelly Coffelt (Crook Co) Vice-Chair2024
Emma Bryson (Redmond)2026
Tony DeBone (Deschutes County)2025
Wayne Fording (Jefferson Co)2027
William Huff (Redmond)2026
Penni Hunter (Redmond)2027
Megan Perkins (Bend)2024
Eric Sande (Redmond)2026
Cooper Bollom (Youth Ex Officio)2024

Interested in becoming an Airport Committee Member?

Download a copy of the Airport Committee Application HERE

The City of Redmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, treatment, or employment in, its programs or activities.

The City of Redmond encourages all citizens to participate in its programs and activities.  This meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.  Requests for accommodation may include sign language interpreter service, assistive listening devices, materials in an alternate format or any other accommodation.  If any accommodations are needed, please contact the ADA Coordinator at 541-504-3036 or [email protected].  Requests should be made as soon as possible, but at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting.

The Telecommunications Relay Servi(TRS) enables people who have difficulty hearing or speaking on the telephone to communicate with standard voice telephone users. Anyone needing Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Speech To Speech (STS) assistance, please use one of the following TRS numbers: 1-800-735-2900 (voice or text), 1-877-735-7525 (STS English) or 1-800-735-3896 (STS Spanish).

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