As of 3:00 PM on 1/13/2025 there are 542 spaces in the Main Lot and 233 spaces in the Credit Card Lot available.

Check-in Procedures

  • Arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure time.

  • Clearly label baggage and be prepared to answer questions about baggage.

  • Have proper photo identification available upon check-in and at security screening.

  • Be prepared to have a carry-on and checked baggage inspected, and do not leave your items unattended.

  • NOTE: The Airline Kiosks also close 45 minutes prior to their scheduled flight departure times, and no agents will be available to check baggage or print boarding passes after this time. Passengers need to allow enough time to complete the check-in and the TSA checkpoint procedures. Passengers must be at the boarding gate no later than 15 minutes prior to departure or may be denied boarding.

  • Only ticketed passengers are allowed beyond the security checkpoint.

  • The Transportation Security Administration website can provide information on the security screening of passengers and baggage. Currently, TSA opens daily at 3:45am and closes at 7:30pm.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires all travelers from RDM to place all electronics larger than a cell phone individually in bins separately from other items for X-ray screening. Items must comply with TSA’s 3-1-1 liquids rule. Solid food items are acceptable. Containers of jams, jellies, and nut butters are not allowed in carry-on baggage. If traveling with gifts, please leave them unwrapped. While state law allows marijuana possession, air service is regulated by federal law which prohibits marijuana possession. More information about traveling with allowed/prohibited items is available at

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