As of 3:00 PM on 3/11/2025 there are 410 spaces in the Main Lot and 199 spaces in the Credit Card Lot available.

Noise Abatement

FAA Releases Noise Annoyance Survey Results

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released the results of a survey about local communities and the level of public annoyance with aircraft noise, known as the Noise Annoyance Survey results, and formally identified as the Neighborhood Environmental Survey (NES). ACI-NA has been actively monitoring and discussing a comprehensive strategy for the release of this survey for nearly three years.

Here are direct links to the survey and the resources released by the FAA today.

FAA’s survey team used a statistical sampling methodology to choose 20 airports that are representative of airports from across the United States. While the study may draw focus to those 20 airports, the focus of FAA’s work is on a national level.

Noise Abatement Information

The City has recorded a map of the Redmond Airport Traffic Pattern Airspace with the County Recorder’s Office. The current Recorded noise disclosure/contour map for Redmond Municipal Airport may be viewed here:

RDM Noise Contour Map 2018  RDM Flight Path Map

Download the RDM Noise Abatement Q and A

Noise Abatement Powerpoint Presentation

Airport noise contours indicate what areas around the airport experience aircraft noise as measured by the FAA standards. The federal guidelines for residential compliance with aircraft noise are an average of 65 decibels or lower during a 24 hour period.

Who to Contact if You’re Impacted by Aircraft Noise at RDM:

If you would like to file a complaint or report by phone or e-mail please contact:

The FAA National Noise Hotline Phone: (202) 267-3521

Please go to the FAA Northwest Mountain Region Aircraft Noise and Community Involvement Information website to learn about aircraft noise in this region and how to submit a noise complaint or inquiry.

and/or send a detailed E-mail to [email protected]

To File a Complaint by Mail:

Federal Aviation Administration,
Aviation Noise Ombudsman, AEE-2
800 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington, DC 20591

Please Include:

Your Name and Phone Number
Your Address (if you are willing to provide, if not then the general area you are reporting from)
Date & time of the event
Type of event (noise, low flight, safety, etc.)
General description of aircraft (single-engine, multi-engine, prop, jet, high wing/lowing, etc.)
Description of the event –The more information you provide, the greater the chance for the Airport to adequately address your concerns.

For more information visit: NoiseQuest or FAA Noise and Emission Information Website

General Safety Reporting

Report an Aircraft Accident to the NTSB

Regional NTSB office (202) 314-6185

Aviation Safety Reporting System  AKA “NASA Safety Reports”.

If you are not familiar with these please read about them and use if appropriate. It is in your best interest.

Low flying aircraft is a safety concern and should be addressed by the appropriate regional FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)Federal Aviation Regulations state the minimum altitude requirements for aircraft.

To File a Safety Report With the FAA:

Low flying aircraft is also a safety concern and should be addressed by the appropriate regional FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)Federal Aviation Regulations state the minimum altitude requirements for aircraft.

Please Contact the Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) Oregon

3180 NE Century Blvd  Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Phone: (503) 615-3200 or (800) 847-3806 

Fax: (503) 615-3300

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Pacific Time Monday – Friday

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