Celebrate Oregon! by artist Liza Burns is a vibrant tapestry of Oregon geography into which are woven 127 symbols representing different aspects of our collective arts, heritage, history, and cultural practices. It is the result of a year-long, inclusive process that began with a group of statewide nominators sharing the creative brief with artists and designers.
A new license plate design that celebrates Oregon and the diversity of its culture will debut on Oct. 1 in recognition of the Oregon Cultural Trust’s 20th Anniversary. The artwork for the license plate, created by Liza Burns of Eugene, will be installed as full-scale murals at the Eugene, Medford, Portland, and Redmond airports through a partnership with GreenCars.com, a learning and marketplace destination for sustainable transportation. In addition, a 38-foot outdoor banner will be installed at the Northwest Film Center at the Portland Art Museum.

Photos of the license plate design, the artist at work, and a mural creation video featuring the artist can be downloaded here. To learn more about the plate visit culturaltrust.org/celebrateoregon
Redmond Municipal Airport Artwork

American Flag Quilt Display
On Thursday, September 14, at 9:30 a.m. the Redmond Municipal Airport proudly unveiled a 100” by 60” handstitched American flag quilt.
http://gatherandmake.blogspot.com/2017/05/travelling-veterans-quilt-for-central.htmlFind out more »
Western Juniper Tree
Western Juniper trees are a common sight in the high desert of Central Oregon, The Western Juniper is a distinctive tree or shrub, found in dry, rocky sites at moderate to high elevations.
https://flyrdm.com/more/art-at-the-airport/western-juniper-tree/Find out more »
Mike Putnam
Mike Putnam is a Bend Oregon photographer whose Fine Art Nature and Landscape Photographs Celebrate the Natural Beauty of Oregon.
https://mikeputnamphoto.com/Find out more »
“Wings” by Kirk Seese
Kirk Seese is a multi-disciplinary artist from the Washington DC area of Maryland.
https://www.alienartifactstudios.com/wingsFind out more »
Cycle of Life by Skip Armstrong
Bronze eagles in flight (owned by Redmond Municipal Airport)
https://www.redmondoregon.gov/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDirectory/162/633Find out more »
Peak Finder by Brent Grenfell
The powder-coated, negative relief plasma cut, steel plate was designed and fabricated by Brent Grenfell of Dana Signs
https://www.redmondoregon.gov/government/commissions-committees/redmond-commission-for-art-in-public-places-rcapp/public-art/permanent-public-art/peak-finderFind out more »
The abundance of sunshine and the many opportunities here in Central Oregon is a huge draw for Sasquatch, who has decided to make RDM his new home!
https://www.facebook.com/people/RDMYeti/100067673425468/Find out more »
Bear Foot by Steve Tyree
Steve hopes that his work encourages interest and love of wildlife and hopes this his work is artistic and pleasing as well as portraying the grace and strength of the animal.
https://www.redmondoregon.gov/how-do-i/find-a-city-location/find-public-art/-point-44@27309304259953-121@20532842925893_10@787231662526308Find out more »
River Dance by Tim Norman
River Dance is a bronze and steel sculpture that stands a little over 5′ tall.
https://www.redmondoregon.gov/government/commissions-committees/redmond-commission-for-art-in-public-places-rcapp/public-art/permanent-public-art/river-danceFind out more »Find More Art
Here is a map of the public art on display throughout the City of Redmond.
As part of its mission to promote quality development now and in the future, the Community Development Department is committed to providing citizens of Redmond with art throughout the city. The Department provides staff support to the Redmond Committee for Art in Public Places in fulfillment of this goal. Please take a moment to learn more about the City’s activities related to public art by visiting the completed public art projects and Rotating Public Art Gallery pages, as well as the home page for the Committee for Art in Public Places and reading our public art brochure.