As of 6:30 AM on 3/28/2025 there are 180 spaces in the Main Lot and 172 spaces in the Credit Card Lot available.

ADA & Other Assistance

Nuestro RDM sitio web está disponible en español!
Ciudad de Redmond, Oregón – Roberts Field, Aeropuerto Municipal de Redmond


RDM does not provide assistance to/from the terminal curb. Wheelchairs are available in the main terminal for public/personal use.  Have questions, please contact us via email at [email protected]

For wheelchair service or additional assistance, from the ticket counter through the security checkpoint, to/from the gate/aircraft, please pre-arrange these services directly with your air carrier at the ticket counter, by calling their reservations number, or by visiting their website (see information below)

Alaska(800) 503-0101
dial 711 for relay services
American Airlines(800) 237-7976
For hearing or speech-impaired call
(800) 735-2988
Baggage Information
Avelo AirlinesReservations/Information (346) 616-9500
Customer Support: [email protected]
Customer Support Center Phone: (346) 616-9500
Delta(404) 209-3434
dial 711 for relay services
United(800) 228-2744

For wheelchair assistance to and from your rental car, please contact your car rental agency directly for information. 



Policies vary from airline to airline regarding mobility devices in general. To learn more about your airline’s procedures and requirements for mobility devices, please visit your airline’s website or call their reservation desk.

If you are a passenger with a disability and you will be traveling with your mobility device, here are a few suggestions to make your airport experience trouble-free and more enjoyable:

When making airline reservations AND checking in for your flight, advise your airline of the following information:
  • Type of mobility device
  • Please note that Segway mobility devices are not authorized to be stored on most carriers.
  • Weight and size of mobility device
  • Whether or not your mobility device will require assembly/disassembly
  • Whether or not you are non-ambulatory, and will need an onboard wheelchair to reach your seat when boarding or deplaning the aircraft.
  • Whether or not you can ascend and descend stairs without assistance
  • Whether or not you will be checking your mobility device at the ticket counter, or at the departure gate.
Allow extra time when traveling with a battery-powered electric wheelchair, cart, or scooter:
  • Although not required, it is recommended that you check in at your airline ticket counter at least 2 hours in advance; and,
  • Arrive at your departure gate at least one hour prior to your scheduled departure.
Attach instructions to your wheelchair if assembly/disassembly is needed:
  • Although not required, it’s very helpful to airline staff if you attach a copy of assembly/disassembly instructions to your wheelchair (or another mobility device); and, if needed, bring specialized tools with you when traveling. (If you have questions regarding permitted carry-on tools, please contact the Transportation Security Administration at 1-866-289-9673.)
Identify battery type and know how to access it, if your mobility device is battery-powered:
  • Please let the airline staff know your wheelchair’s (or other mobility device’s) specific battery type, and identify the battery as either spillable or non-spillable so that airline staff can adhere to federal “dangerous goods” handling procedures.
  • Before arriving at the airport, it is best if you can educate yourself on how to gain access to the battery compartment and bring a specialized tool if needed.
  • Some mobility devices have batteries that can only be accessed by a technician. If this is the case, you may not be able to fly with your mobility device. Check with your air carrier to be sure.
Folding wheelchairs

If space is available, many airlines will allow folding wheelchairs to be stowed in the cabin on a first-ask, first-serve basis. If cabin storage is not available, airlines will typically allow you to check your wheelchair as baggage at either the ticket counter or the departure gate. Your airline will provide a wheelchair and wheelchair aid to assist you to your gate if needed.

Connecting city:

Advise your airline in advance if you wish to use your mobility device in your connecting city. They’ll let you know if you will have sufficient time in your connecting city. If not, the airline can provide you with their wheelchair service.

Aisle Width of Aircraft

The width of aisle space varies from aircraft to aircraft. Some aisle-width spaces can be fairly narrow and difficult to navigate with an airline’s onboard wheelchair. Ask your airline about the aisle width before confirming reservations, if you are concerned about the wheelchair transfer process from the gate onto the aircraft.

Visit the US Department of Transportation Website

 Traveling with a Disability | US Department of Transportation


Only ADA animals, Emotional Support Animals, and Police K-9s are allowed in the Airport (on a leash only). All other animals (Cargo or Pet in Cabin) must be kept in a kennel/cage in all areas of the Airport.

Department of Transportation Rules for Emotional Support Animals:

New Rules for Service Animals 2021

Airport Terminal Animal Provisions:

Click HERE for the Airport code 2.560

City of Redmond Service Animals for People with Disabilities policy:

Click HERE for the policy, GEN100


Assistance for an unaccompanied minor or other solo travelers:

To accompany a solo traveler with special needs to or from an arrival or departure gate (such as an unaccompanied child or an elderly or disabled passenger), you must obtain a gate pass at the ticket counter of the airline on which the person is flying. Please note that gate passes are issued solely at the discretion of the airline, and not all airlines will issue a gate pass. Please verify your airline’s policy prior to your trip to the airport.

If your airline does issue gate passes, be sure to allow additional time for potential lines at the ticket counter, and check with the airline in advance to make sure their ticket counter is open when requesting a gate pass for an arriving flight. Please be prepared to provide government-issued photo identification (e.g. driver’s license) and flight information. Only one person may be allowed to accompany a passenger to or from the gate. Contact your airline for additional information.


To better meet the needs of our travelers with disabilities, RDM supports the Sunflower Lanyard Program. Sunflower lanyards are now offered at more than 30 airports across the globe, with more to come in 2021.

It’s easy for airport employees to lend a hand to travelers with visible cues of a disability like a passenger in a wheelchair. But there are other “hidden disabilities” that are less apparent such as autism, Crohn’s disease, dementia, hearing impairment, multiple sclerosis, and PTSD. RDM Travelers with hidden disabilities may request a sunflower lanyard to let airport staff know that they may need a little help or extra patience. Learn more online at

TSA CARES Assistance Program

It allows passengers to request assistance through the checkpoint. We wouldn’t be able to help them outside of that, but it helps for those that get nervous going through TSA.

Request for TSA Cares Assistance | Transportation Security Administration


Vitals Aware Services: Real-Time Digital Medical ID

Vitals™ is designed to alert first responders and 911 dispatchers with the exact personal information needed to assist a vulnerable person in a crisis, calmly and compassionately. For memory issues, medical conditions, medication, mental health, invisible condition, or de-escalation techniques, the Vitals™ living digital medical ID is a trusted emergency alert system for seniors, families, and countless others. (

Ultimate Guide to Air Travel with a Disability:

A detailed guide was put together with the help of experts and covers tips and advice on how to make navigating airports and air travel a more enjoyable experience.

Alaska Airlines “Fly for All” App:

Alaska launched a free app in the Apple Store and Google Play called Fly for All. Designed for first-time flyers, guests traveling with children, unaccompanied minors, and those with cognitive and developmental disabilities, including autism, the app will help ease the anxiety of air travel by walking guests through the steps they’ll follow when getting ready to fly.

The app features a series of photos and descriptions (social stories), with an optional read-aloud setting, that describes every step of the travel process from packing your bag to landing at your destination. It also features interactive content, including a travel checklist, matching games, and communication cards anyone can use to communicate non-verbally with employees and other travelers.

Tips on traveling with a disability:

CLICK HERE for Tips on traveling with a disability

Johnny Jet in-depth guides for traveling with disabilities:

Online Resources for Blind and Low-Vision Travellers:

Aira is a service that connects blind and low-vision people to highly trained, remotely-located agents. Through an app on your smartphone, or through an optional pair of Horizon Smart Glasses, Aira delivers instant access to visual information at the touch of a button – enhancing everyday efficiency, engagement, and independence. Straightforward and simple.


Blindsquare is the World’s Most Popular accessible GPS application developed for the blind and visually impaired. It describes the environment and announces points of interest and street intersections as you travel. In conjunction with free, third-party navigation apps it is a powerful solution providing most of the information blind and visually impaired people need to travel independently. 


Airport Parking information:

ADA-designated parking spaces are available in all Airport Paid Parking Lots.  Vehicles properly displaying valid disabled permit identification may use these spaces. All Posted rates for paid parking apply.

More information regarding disabled parking and rates can be found on our Airport Parking page.


The City of Redmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, treatment in, or employment in, its programs or activities and strives to make all of our programs and services available to every Redmond citizen.  Reference documents on this site include notices, grievance procedures, curb ramp request forms, and request for accommodations.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 provides guidelines to comply with accessible programs, services and building construction, but we always need to hear from our citizens to direct resources where they are most needed.

ADA Transition Plan – For information on the City’s ADA Transition Plan, please click here.

Title I – Employment:

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act addresses the rights of individuals with disabilities in employment settings.  According to the Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook (U.S. Department of Justice, 1991), the purpose of Title I is to ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are protected from discrimination on the basis of disability.  As long as the individual is qualified for an employment opportunity, they cannot be denied that opportunity simply because they have a disability and must therefore be given the same consideration for employment that individuals without disabilities are given.

Title II – Public Services:

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act addresses the right of access to public services by individuals with disabilities.  According to the Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook (U.S. Department of Justice, 1991), the purpose of Title II is to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in all services, programs and activities provided or made available by local or state governments and their affiliate agencies.  This is regardless of whether they receive federal funding or how many employees they have.

Title VI – Civil Rights Act of 1964:

The City of Redmond assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.L. 100.259), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.  In addition, the City of Redmond also incorporates other State and Federal classes such as disability, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or source of income.  The City of Redmond assures every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not.

ADA and Title VI Forms & Resources

ADA Accommodation Request Form.doc (

Redmond Municipal Airport Title VI Plan

Title VI Complaint Form.docx (

Title VI Complaint Form-SPANISH.docx (

Contact Us:

Please contact the ADA/Title VI Coordinator at (541) 504-3036 or email [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions around the City’s ADA or Title VI programs.

For more information or to connect with “The Americans with Disabilities Act” website, click HERE

It is unlawful for airport operators and their lessees, tenants, concessionaires, and contractors to discriminate against any person because of race, color, national origin, sex, creed, or disability in public services and employment opportunities. Allegations of discrimination should be promptly reported to the Airport Manager or:

Federal Aviation Administration Office of Civil Rights, ACR-1 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20591

Federal regulations on unlawful discrimination are available for review in the Airport Administration Office.

© Roberts Field - Redmond Municipal Airport, All Rights Reserved. 2025